You think portrait paintings are only for the hoity toity?
Something that only a select few get the privilege of ever doing?
Way too expensive?
Or you just don’t know a real artist…
All this will change at Peekskill Open Studios!
During the Open Studio weekend N. Christopher Rigney will be painting quick study portraits on a walk in basis at the Flatz Building, 1008 Main Street. All that is required of the sitter is to walk in and share a bit of their time.
This idea is the brain child of Chris Rigney, and described on his blog, With the support and encouragement of Maureen Winzig, President of the Peekskill Art Alliance and Monica Flaherty, Founder of The Flatz Properties, Mr. Rigney will democratize the portrait painting experience. This is a unique opportunity for attendees of Peekskill Open Studios 2015 to have their portrait painted, and for others to watch the process unfold.
These oil portraits will be done alla prima, all in one sitting, painting wet into wet to capture the personality and character of the sitter quickly. With the natural light form the store front windows of the Flatz Building you’ll be able to see the lighting change throughout the day in the oil sketches. All of the portraits painted over the weekend will be display as they are completed, so that people can experience the individually of the sitters.
And P.S. You can keep your clothes on.
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